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Pragtical v3.4.4 Release

ยท 2 min read
Jefferson Gonzalez

This is a SCALE bug fix release! Release explanation slightly adapted from #152

Since new renwindow api (that allows initializing windows directly in Lua) the main window creation was moved to core.init but, the scale detection code was still been performed before. This meant that loading the default system style was using the incorrect scale causing issues that would only be resolved by manually re-scaling the interface.

Previously, tried to wrongly fix the issue by delegating the responsibility to the scale plugin but that wasn't the correct solution (didn't notice what explained on first paragraph until later ๐Ÿ˜“). Now we defer style loading until main window is created and the default system scale properly detected, this ensures that the correct scale is set before performing any style calculations that rely on it.

Now besides updating scale on the displaychanged event it also updates it when the window is resized, but we limited the amount of scale checks on resize to prevent crashes on X11.

Hopefully these changes finally tackle the scale issues ๐Ÿ˜„

Downloads on GitHub.

Changes Logโ€‹


  • Adjust scale retrieveal on startup (#152)

  • When scale changes rescale item sizes on LogView (#154)

  • Updated widgets to latest with smaller rescale fix (#155)

  • Rescale the EmptyView icons font on instantiation (#156)