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Utility functions.

local common = require "core.common"



(field) escape: boolean?

Uses normal escape characters ("\n") instead of decimal escape sequences ("\10").


(field) indent_str: string?

The indentation character to use. Defaults to " ".


(field) initial_indent: number?

The initial indentation level. Defaults to 0.


(field) limit: number?

Limits the depth when serializing nested tables. Defaults to math.huge.


(field) pretty: boolean?

Enables pretty printing.


(field) sort: boolean?

Sorts the output if it is a sortable table.


function core.common.basename(path: string)
-> string

Returns the last portion of a path.


function core.common.bench(name: string, fn: fun(...any):any, ...any)
-> any

Prints the execution time of a function.

The execution time and percentage of frame time for the function is printed to standard output. The frame rate is always assumed to be 60 FPS, thus a value of 100% would mean that the benchmark took 1/60 of a second to execute.

@return — The result returned by the function


function core.common.blend_colors(dst: renderer.color, src: renderer.color)
-> blended_color: renderer.color

Combine two colors to create a new color based on their transparency.


function core.common.clamp(n: number, lo: number, hi: number)
-> number

Clamps the number n between lo and hi.


function core.common.color(str: string)
-> r: number
2. g: number
3. b: number
4. a: number

Parses a CSS color string.

Only these formats are supported:

  • rgb(r, g, b)
  • rgba(r, g, b, a)
  • #rrggbbaa
  • #rrggbb


function core.common.darken_color(rgba: renderer.color, percent: integer)
-> renderer.color

Makes a color darker by the given percentage.


function core.common.dir_list_suggest(text: string, dir_list: string[])
-> string[]

Filters a list of paths to find those that are related to the input path.

@param text — The input path.

@param dir_list — A list of paths to filter.


function core.common.dir_path_suggest(text: string, root: string)
-> string[]

Returns a list of directories that are related to a path.

@param text — The input path.

@param root — The path to relate to.


function core.common.dirname(path: string)
-> string|nil

Returns the directory name of a path. If the path doesn't have a directory, this function may return nil.


function core.common.distance(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number)
-> number

Returns the euclidean distance between two points.


function core.common.draw_text(font: renderer.font, color: renderer.color, text: string, align: string|"center"|"left"|"right", x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number)
-> x_advance: number
2. y_advance: number
3. x: number
4. y: number

Draws text onto the window. The function returns the X and Y coordinates of the bottom-right corner of the text.

| "left" -- Align text to the left of the bounding box
| "right" -- Align text to the right of the bounding box
| "center" -- Center text in the bounding box


function core.common.find_index(tbl: table, prop: any)
-> number|nil

Returns the first index where a subtable in tbl has prop set. If none is found, nil is returned.


function core.common.fuzzy_match(haystack: string, needle: string, files: boolean)
-> number

Performs fuzzy matching.

If the haystack is a string, a score ranging from 0 to 1 is returned. If the haystack is a table, a table containing the haystack sorted in ascending order of similarity is returned.

@param files — If true, the matching process will be performed in reverse to better match paths.


function core.common.fuzzy_match_with_recents(haystack: string[], recents: string[], needle: string)
-> string[]

Performs fuzzy matching and returns recently used strings if needed.

If the needle is empty, then a list of recently used strings are added to the result, followed by strings from the haystack.


function core.common.home_encode(text: string)
-> string

Returns a path where the user's home directory is replaced by "~".


function core.common.home_encode_list(paths: string[])
-> string[]

Returns a list of paths where the user's home directory is replaced by "~".

@param paths — A list of paths to encode


function core.common.home_expand(text: string)
-> string

Expands the "~" prefix in a path into the user's home directory. This function is not guaranteed to return an absolute path.


function core.common.hsv_to_rgb(h: number, s: number, v: number, a: number)
-> rgba: renderer.color

Converts an HSV color value to RGB. Conversion formula adapted from Assumes h, s, and v are contained in the set [0, 1] and returns r, g, and b in the set [0, 255].

@param h — The hue

@param s — The saturation

@param v — The brightness

@param a — The alpha

@return rgba — The RGB representation


function core.common.is_absolute_path(path: string)
-> boolean

Checks whether a path is absolute or relative.


function core.common.is_utf8_cont(s: string, offset?: integer)
-> boolean

Checks if the byte at offset is a UTF-8 continuation byte.

UTF-8 encodes code points in 1 to 4 bytes. For a multi-byte sequence, each byte following the start byte is a continuation byte.

@param offset — The offset of the string to start searching. Defaults to 1.


function core.common.lerp(a: number, b: number, t: number)
-> number

Returns a value between a and b on a linear scale, based on the interpolation point t.

If a and b are tables, a table containing the result for all the elements in a and b is returned.


function core.common.lighten_color(rgba: renderer.color, percent: integer)
-> renderer.color

Makes a color brighter by the given percentage.


function core.common.match_ignore_rule(path: string, info: system.fileinfo, ignore_rules: core.ignore_file_rule[])
-> boolean

Checks if a path matches one of the given ignore rules.


function core.common.match_pattern(text: string, pattern: string|string[], ...any)
-> start_index: boolean|number
2. end_index: number|nil

Matches a string against a list of patterns.

If a match was found, its start and end index is returned. Otherwise, false is returned.

@param ... — Other options for string.find().


function core.common.merge(a: table|nil, b?: table)
-> table

Returns a new table containing the contents of b merged into a.


function core.common.mkdirp(path: string)
-> success: boolean
2. error: string|nil
3. path: string|nil

Creates a directory recursively if necessary.

@return success

@return error

@return path — The path where an error occured.


function core.common.normalize_path(filename: string|nil)
-> string|nil

Normalizes a path into the same format across platforms.

On Windows, all drive letters are converted to uppercase. UNC paths with drive letters are converted back to ordinary Windows paths. All path separators ("/", "\\") are converted to platform-specific ones.


function core.common.normalize_volume(filename: string|nil)
-> string|nil

Normalizes the drive letter in a Windows path to uppercase. This function expects an absolute path, e.g. a path from system.absolute_path.

This function is needed because the path returned by system.absolute_path may contain drive letters in upper or lowercase.

@param filename — The input path.


function core.common.path_belongs_to(filename: string, path: string)
-> boolean

Checks whether a path belongs to a parent directory.

@param filename — The path to check.

@param path — The parent path.


function core.common.path_suggest(text: string, root?: string)
-> string[]

Returns a list of paths that are relative to the input path.

If a root directory is specified, the function returns paths that are relative to the root directory.

@param text — The input path.

@param root — The root directory.


function core.common.relative_path(ref_dir: string, dir: string)
-> string

Makes a path relative to the given reference directory when possible.

@param ref_dir — The path to check against.

@param dir — The input path.


function core.common.rgb_to_hsv(rgba: renderer.color)
-> hsva: table

Converts an RGB color value to HSV. Conversion formula adapted from Assumes r, g, and b are contained in the set [0, 255] and returns h, s, and v in the set [0, 1].

@return hsva — The HSV representation


function core.common.rm(path: string, recursively: boolean)
-> success: boolean
2. error: string|nil
3. path: string|nil

Removes a path.

@param recursively — If true, the function will attempt to remove everything in the specified path.

@return success

@return error

@return path — The path where the error occured.


function core.common.round(n: number)
-> number

Returns the value of a number rounded to the nearest integer.


function core.common.serialize(val: any, opts?: common.serializeoptions)
-> string

Serializes a value into a Lua string that is loadable with load().

Only these basic types are supported:

  • nil
  • boolean
  • number (except very large numbers and special constants, e.g. math.huge, inf and nan)
  • integer
  • string
  • table


function core.common.splice(t: any[], at: number, remove: number, insert?: any[])

Splices a numerically indexed table. This function mutates the original table.

@param at — Index at which to start splicing.

@param remove — Number of elements to remove.

@param insert — A table containing elements to insert after splicing.


function core.common.utf8_chars(text: string)
-> fun():string

Returns an iterator that yields a UTF-8 character on each iteration.