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Utilites for managing current window, files and more.



(field) modified: number

A timestamp in seconds.


(field) size: number

Size in bytes.

(field) symlink: boolean

The directory is a symlink. This field is only set on Linux and on directories.


(field) type: "dir"|"file"

Type of file


function system.absolute_path(path: string)
-> abspath: string?

Converts a relative path from current directory to the absolute one.


function system.chdir(path: string)

Change the current directory path which affects relative file operations. This function raises an error if the path doesn't exists.


function system.clear_ime()

Clears any ongoing composition on the IME


function system.exec(command: string)

Similar to os.execute() but does not return the exit status of the executed command and executes the process in a non blocking way by forking it to the background. Note: Do not use this function, use the Process API instead.

@param command — The command to execute.


function system.ftruncate(file: file*, length?: integer)
-> success: boolean
2. message: string?

Truncates a file to a set length.

@param file — A file handle returned by

@param length — Number of bytes to truncate to. Defaults to 0.

@return success — True if the operation suceeded, false otherwise

@return message — An error message if the operation failed.


function system.fuzzy_match(haystack: string, needle: string, file: boolean)
-> score: integer

Generates a matching score depending on how well the value of the given needle compares to that of the value in the haystack.

@param file — Reverse the algorithm to prioritize the end

of the haystack, eg: with a haystack "/my/path/to/file" and a needle "file", will get better score than with this option not set to true.


function system.get_clipboard()
-> string

Retrieve the text currently stored on the clipboard.


function system.get_file_info(path: string)
-> info: system.fileinfo|nil
2. message: string?

Get details about a given file or path.

@param path — Can be a file or a directory path

@return info — Path details or nil if empty or error.

@return message — Error message in case of error.


function system.get_fs_type(path: string)
-> "ext2/ext3"|"fuse"|"nfs"|"ntfs"|"ramfs"...(+4)

Gets the filesystem type of a path. Note: This only works on Linux.

@param path — Can be path to a directory or a file

return #1:
| "ext2/ext3"
| "nfs"
| "fuse"
| "smb"
| "smb2"
| "reiserfs"
| "tmpfs"
| "ramfs"
| "ntfs"


function system.get_primary_selection()
-> string

Retrieve the text currently stored in the primary selection.


function system.get_process_id()
-> integer

Get the process id of pragtical itself.


function system.get_scale(window: renwindow)
-> scale: number

Retrieve current system scale for the given window. When the SDL renderer is enabled this function always returns 1 since scaling is peformed internally.


function system.get_time()
-> number

Get amount of iterations since the application was launched also known as SDL_GetPerformanceCounter() / SDL_GetPerformanceFrequency()


function system.get_window_mode(window: renwindow)
-> mode: "fullscreen"|"maximized"|"minimized"|"normal"

Retrieve the window mode.

| "normal"
| "minimized"
| "maximized"
| "fullscreen"


function system.get_window_size(window: renwindow)
-> width: number
2. height: number
3. x: number
4. y: number

Get the size and coordinates of the window.


function system.getcwd()
-> directory: string

Get the current working directory.

@return directory — Current working directgory.


function system.list_dir(path: string)
-> list: table|nil
2. message: string?

Gets a list of files and directories for a given path.

@return list — List of directories or nil if empty or error.

@return message — Error message in case of error.


function system.load_native_plugin(name: string, path: string)
-> nargs: number

Loads a lua native module using the default Lua API or pragtical native plugin API. Note: Never use this function directly.

@param name — the name of the module

@param path — the path to the shared library file

@return nargs — the return value of the entrypoint


function system.mkdir(directory_path: string)
-> created: boolean
2. message: string?

Create a new directory, note that this function doesn't recursively creates the directories on the given path.

@return created — True on success or false on failure.

@return message — The error message if the operation failed.


function system.path_compare(path1: string, type1: "dir"|"file", path2: string, type2: "dir"|"file")
-> compare_result: boolean

Compares two paths in the order used by TreeView.

@return compare_result — True if path1 < path2

| "file" -- It is a file.
| "dir" -- It is a directory.

| "file" -- It is a file.
| "dir" -- It is a directory.


function system.poll_event()
-> type: string
2. arg1: any
3. arg2: any
4. arg3: any
5. arg4: any

Core function used to retrieve the current event been triggered by SDL.

The following is a list of event types emitted by this function and the arguments for each of them if applicable.

Window events:

  • "quit"
  • "displaychanged" -> idx
  • "moved" -> x, y
  • "resized" -> width, height (in points)
  • "exposed"
  • "minimized"
  • "maximized"
  • "restored"
  • "focuslost"

File events:

  • "filedropped" -> filename, x, y

Keyboard events:

  • "keypressed" -> key_name
  • "keyreleased" -> key_name
  • "textinput" -> text
  • "textediting" -> text, start, length

Mouse events:

  • "mousepressed" -> button_name, x, y, amount_of_clicks
  • "mousereleased" -> button_name, x, y
  • "mousemoved" -> x, y, relative_x, relative_y
  • "mousewheel" -> y, x

Touch events:

  • "touchpressed" -> x, y, finger_id
  • "touchreleased" -> x, y, finger_id
  • "touchmoved" -> x, y, distance_x, distance_y, finger_id


function system.raise_window(window: renwindow)

Raise the main window and give it input focus. Note: may not always be obeyed by the users window manager.


function system.rmdir(path: string)
-> success: boolean
2. message: string?

Deletes an empty directory.

@return success — True if the operation suceeded, false otherwise

@return message — An error message if the operation failed


function system.set_clipboard(text: string)

Set the content of the clipboard.


function system.set_cursor(type: string|"arrow"|"hand"|"ibeam"|"sizeh"...(+1))

Change the cursor type displayed on screen.

| "arrow"
| "ibeam"
| "sizeh"
| "sizev"
| "hand"


function system.set_primary_selection(text: string)

Set the content of the primary selection.


function system.set_text_input_rect(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number)

Sets the position of the IME composition window.


function system.set_window_bordered(bordered: boolean)

Toggle between bordered and borderless.


function system.set_window_hit_test(title_height?: number, controls_width?: number, resize_border?: number)

When then window is run borderless (without system decorations), this function allows to set the size of the different regions that allow for custom window management. To disable custom window management, call this function without any arguments

@param title_height — Height of the window decoration

@param controls_width — Width of window controls (maximize,minimize and close buttons, etc).

@param resize_border — The amount of pixels reserved for resizing


function system.set_window_mode(window: renwindow, mode: "fullscreen"|"maximized"|"minimized"|"normal")

Change the window mode.

| "normal"
| "minimized"
| "maximized"
| "fullscreen"


function system.set_window_opacity(window: renwindow, opacity: number)
-> success: boolean

Change the opacity (also known as transparency) of the window.

@param opacity — A value from 0.0 to 1.0, the lower the value

the less visible the window will be.

@return success — True if the operation suceeded.


function system.set_window_size(window: renwindow, width: number, height: number, x: number, y: number)

Sets the size and coordinates of the window.


function system.set_window_title(window: renwindow, title: string)

Change the window title.


function system.setenv(key: string, val: string)
-> ok: boolean

Sets an environment variable. The converse of os.getenv.

@return ok — True if call succeeded


function system.show_fatal_error(title: string, message: string)

Opens a message box to display an error message.


function system.sleep(seconds: number)

Sleep for the given amount of seconds.

@param seconds — Also supports fractions of a second, eg: 0.01


function system.wait_event(timeout?: number)
-> status: boolean

Wait until an event is triggered.

@param timeout — Amount of seconds, also supports fractions

of a second, eg: 0.01. If not provided, waits forever.

@return status — True on success or false if there was an error or if no event was received.


function system.window_has_focus(window: renwindow)
-> boolean

Check if the window currently has focus.