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Configuration options.

local config = require "core.config"


(field) always_show_tabs: boolean

Shows/hides the tab bar when there is only one tab open.

The tab bar is always shown by default.


(field) animate_drag_scroll: boolean

Enables/disables transitions when scrolling with the scrollbar. When enabled, the scrollbar will have inertia and slowly move towards the cursor. Otherwise, the scrollbar will immediately follow the cursor.

Defaults to false.


(field) animation_rate: number

The rate of all transitions.

Defaults to 1.

(field) blink_period: number

The caret's blinking period, in seconds.

Defaults to 0.8.


(field) borderless: boolean

Disables system-drawn window borders.

When set to true, Pragtical draws its own window decorations, which can be useful for certain setups.

Defaults to false.

(field) disable_blink: boolean

Disables caret blinking.

Defaults to false.


(field) disabled_transitions: table

Enable/disable individual transitions. These values are overriden by config.transitions.


(field) draw_whitespace: boolean

Draws whitespaces as dots. This option is deprecated. Please use the drawwhitespace plugin instead.


(field) file_size_limit: number

The file size limit, in megabytes. Files larger than this size will not be shown in the file picker.

Defaults to 10.


(field) force_scrollbar_status: "contracted"|"expanded"|false

Controls whether the DocView scrollbar is always shown or hidden. This option does not affect other View's scrollbars.

Defaults to false.


(field) fps: number

The frame rate of Pragtical. Note that setting this value to the screen's refresh rate does not eliminate screen tearing.

Defaults to 60.


(field) highlight_current_line: "no_selection"|true|false

Highlights the current line.

The default is true.


(field) ignore_files: string[]

A list of files and directories to ignore. Each element is a Lua pattern, where patterns ending with a forward slash are recognized as directories while patterns ending with an anchor ("$") are recognized as files.


(field) indent_size: number

The number of spaces each level of indentation represents.

The default is 2.


(field) keep_newline_whitespace: boolean

Do not remove whitespaces when advancing to the next line.

Defaults to false.


(field) line_endings: "crlf"|"lf"

Default line endings for new files.

Defaults to crlf (\r\n) on Windows and lf (\n) on everything else.


(field) line_height: number

The spacing between each line of text.

The default is 120% of the height of the text (1.2).


(field) line_limit: number

Maximum number of characters per-line for the line guide.

Defaults to 80.


(field) log_slow_threads: boolean

Quiet logging of threads that are taking longer than the maximum time allowed on a per frame iteration basis. Enable only when troubleshooting performance issues, since enabling this may degrade performance.

Defaults to false.


(field) max_clicks: number

Maximum number of clicks recognized by Pragtical.

Defaults to 3.


(field) max_log_items: number

Maximum number of log items that will be stored. When the number of log items exceed this value, old items will be discarded.

Defaults to 800.


(field) max_tabs: number

The maximum number of tabs shown at a time.

The default is 8.


(field) max_undos: number

The maximum number of undo steps per-document.

The default is 10000.


(field) max_visible_commands: integer

The maximum number of entries shown at a time in the command palette.

The default is 10.


(field) max_visited_files: integer

The maximum amount of recent files to keep on history.

The default is 5.


(field) message_timeout: number

The timeout, in seconds, before a message dissapears from StatusView.

Defaults to 5.


(field) mouse_wheel_scroll: number

The number of pixels scrolled per-step.

Defaults to 50 * SCALE.


(field) non_word_chars: string

A list of characters that delimits a word.

The default is " \t\n/\\()\"':,.;\<\>~!@#$%^&*|+=\[\]\{\}`?-"


(field) plugins: table

A table containing configuration for all the plugins.

This is a metatable that automaticaly creates a minimal configuration when a plugin is initially configured. Each plugins will then call common.merge() to get the finalized plugin config. Do not use raw operations on this table.


(field) scroll_past_end: boolean

Enables/disables scrolling past the end of a document.

Defaults to true.


(field) skip_plugins_version: boolean

Disables plugin version checking. Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.

Defaults to false.


(field) stonks: boolean|{ font: renderer.font, icon: string }|nil

Increases the performance of the editor and its user. Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.

Defaults to true.


(field) symbol_pattern: string

Lua pattern used to find symbols when advanced syntax highlighting is not available. This pattern is also used for navigation, e.g. move to next word.

The default pattern matches all letters, followed by any number of letters and digits.


(field) tab_close_button: boolean

Shows/hides the close buttons on tabs. When hidden, users can close tabs via keyboard shortcuts or commands.

Defaults to true.


(field) tab_type: "hard"|"soft"

The type of indentation.

The default is "soft" (spaces).


(field) transitions: boolean

Enables/disables all transitions.

Defaults to true.


(field) undo_merge_timeout: number

The timeout, in seconds, before several consecutive actions are merged as a single undo step.

The default is 0.3 seconds.