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local linewrapping = require "plugins.linewrapping"


Configuration options for linewrapping plugin.


(field) enable_by_default: boolean

Whether or not to enable wrapping by default when opening files.


(field) guide: boolean

Whether or not to draw a guide


(field) indent: boolean

Whether or not we should indent ourselves like the first line of a wrapped block.


(field) mode: "letter"|"word"

The type of wrapping to perform. Can be "letter" or "word".


(field) require_tokenization: boolean

Requires tokenization


(field) width_override: (number|function)?



function plugins.linewrapping.compute_line_breaks(doc: any, default_font: any, line: any, width: any, mode: any)
-> table
2. integer

Computes the breaks for a given line, width and mode. Returns a list of columns at which the line should be broken.


function plugins.linewrapping.draw_guide(docview: any)

Draws a guide if applicable to show where wrapping is occurring.


function plugins.linewrapping.reconstruct_breaks(docview: any, default_font: any, width: any, line_offset: any)

breaks are held in a single table that contains n*2 elements, where n is the amount of line breaks. each element represents line and column of the break. line_offset will check from the specified line if the first line has not changed breaks, it will stop there.


function plugins.linewrapping.update_breaks(docview: any, old_line1: any, old_line2: any, net_lines: any)

When we have an insertion or deletion, we have four sections of text.

  1. The unaffected section, located prior to the cursor. This is completely ignored.
  2. The beginning of the affected line prior to the insertion or deletion. Begins on column 1 of the selection.
  3. The removed/pasted lines.
  4. Every line after the modification, begins one line after the selection in the initial document.


function plugins.linewrapping.update_docview_breaks(docview: any)